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Our Programs

Charter School Program

Kid Street Charter School has fully adopted The California Common Core State Standards (CCSS). Teachers craft units and lessons that teach essential knowledge and skills to succeed in today’s world. This is done with the full spectrum of learners in mind. Kid Street put's more focus on science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM). Using technology tools, students will make inquiries and solves problems while using engineering and scientific thought. Special attention is given to incorporating higher thinking skills such as synthesis and analysis. In addition to differentiation, learners are presented with units that are framed by enduring understandings and essential questions.

Students are asked to reflect on why they are learning each topic and be able to articulate if it is important and meaningful in their lives. We have adopted Eureka Math and Amplify ELA curriculum, both of which were developed for the Common Core Standards with a high degree of challenge and rigor. Our report cards are also CCSS based.

In the Primary classrooms, emphasis is on mastery of early learning skills and creating a solid understanding of basic concepts as well as building positive social interactions with peers and adults. Students learn through hands on explorations in a center-based classroom environment.

In the Intermediate classrooms, writing becomes a daily practice with emphasis on creative writing and the development of ideas. At the societal level, students study about the influences of the world around them. Students become aware of their own actions and how they can personally affect their community.  Lessons range from etiquette to empathy. Understanding the importance of community service is a key element to this grade group. Students work with younger children in other grades as well as differently-abled people in our community. With this age range, students are taught and encouraged to question what is taught and the world around them. They are also taught to be agents of change for things they don’t believe are fair and just.


After School Program

The after school program is open Monday-Thursday from 3:00-6:00 pm, and Fridays from 1:00 pm-6:00 pm. Our goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment while our kids discover new hobbies and activities that will both be therapeutic and help stimulate their minds. We provide an academic program where the After School Program Staff collaborates with the Charter School teachers. Students complete the homework from the school day and then move onto other skill based activities that the classroom teachers have provided to students on an 

individual, small group, or whole class basis.


Additionally, many small group activities are available for enrichment. These include: arts and crafts, dance, cheerleading, theatre, science club, woodworking, gardening, sports, fashion design, karate, photography, music, group games, coding, and cooperative and individual sports.

Additionally, Kinder Klub is offered to our Transitional Kindergarten-Kindergarten students from 1:00-3:00pm every weekday, except for Fridays. Kinder Klub focuses on age appropriate play, arts, crafts and games. 

Intervention Program

Kid Street’s Intervention Programs provide support for individual academic and personal success. We are committed to providing individualized instruction and enrichment opportunities for students to ensure that gifted students are challenged and struggling students are supported. Our Response to Intervention Pyramid outlines the curriculum used throughout our programs.

Our Intervention Program Manager works closely with the teachers to identify students who need one on one or small group tutoring. Input from parents or guardians through our Student Study Team (SST) program is highly valued so we can work together at school and the home to provide continuity for the student’s education plan.

Kid Street also has a strong volunteer tutor program in place where we partner students with volunteers based on their skill set and the specific student needs. Our goal is to ensure that every child gets the help they need and has a positive learning experience.

We work closely with the Santa Rosa School District’s Special Education Department to create Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students who qualify. These services include: Assessments and IQ testing, Specialized Academic Instruction, Individual Counseling 

and Language/Speech Therapy.  

Our academic intervention program staff and teachers:

  • Develop and implement individualized programs for students complimentary to individual educational strengths and needs

  • Interpret the abilities and challenges of students, assist in classroom intervention strategies, modify general education curricular as necessary, and assist the students with regular class assignments

  • Communicate regularly with parents and professional staff regarding each student’s educational, social and personal needs

  • Participate in professional growth activities through staff development, workshops, and higher education

Our Intervention program also includes onsite counseling through a contracted counseling organization, life skills classes and food/clothing programs to support our students and families. Having a full belly and a safe learning environment helps the students to be of well mind so they can focus on academic and personal success.


Food Program

Kid Street has very proudly served healthy, homemade breakfast, 2 snacks, and lunch to each and every student, every day, FREE of cost, since 1999. We consider free and healthy food to be part of an equitable program for all children. In addition, we have also provided bags of groceries to families for week-end help since 2012.

Starting in the 2019-20 school year, all low-income students in grades K-12 will finally have guaranteed access to free and reduced-price meals, no matter which public school they attend. We would like our families to know that we exceed this requirement by offering our free meals to everyone. Although we must abide by the National School Lunch program requirements we are not required to participate in the program. Instead, our food program is funded in partnership with The Redwood Food Bank, Star of the Valley Church, Amy's Kitchen, and generous individual donors. Thank you to our community for helping us to continue to provide the best and freshest homemade meals to the kids at Kid Street! 

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Other Kid Street Programs

At Kid Street, we believe that our students’ basic needs must be met in order for them to be successful and to learn. In addition to academic and enrichment programs, we provide the following to our students:


  • Clothing through our Kids Kloset program

  • School supplies

  • Individual counseling

  • Healthy breakfast, snacks and lunches

  • Food to take home through our Brown Bag program

  • Nutrition education through our Garden Program

  • Social/emotional learning through the Tool Box and Responsive Classroom Program

  • Resource Referrals

Kid Street Charter School

Located at:

709 Davis Street

Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Phone: (707) 525-9223

Fax: (707) 525-9432

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 6784

Santa Rosa, CA 95406

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